1. Mass reader and books / ed. N. A. Rybnikova. Moscow: State Military Publishing House, 1925. 87 p. (in russ)
2. It’s Time, Forward! Cultural Policy in the USSR [Text] / ed. by I. V. Glushchenko, V. A. Kurennoy; National Research University Higher School of Economics. — Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2013. — 272 p
3. Obraztsov I.V. Reading Interests of the Red Army Soldiers in the 1920s (An Empirical Analysis))/ I.V. Obraztsov // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya.- 2019. - №2.- 130-141.
4. RGALI. F. 2130. Op. 1. ED. 9.
5. RGALI. F. 2130. Op. 1. ED. 10.
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